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Shnuggle Blog

Shnuggle News

Budgeting For New Baby: What Products Should I Invest In?
The cost of living crisis is affecting everyone at the moment. Rising prices have meant we are all trying to cut costs where we can. We all know preparing for baby’s arrival can be costly. All those big purchases. All those small purchases. And everything in between. You could literally spend thousands of pounds kitting out your new baby. Therefore, we have come up with a few reasons why our Shnuggle products can help you become a savvy shopper in the long run.

Newborn Baby Essentials: The Ultimate Checklist

If your due date is just around the corner - it means it’s time to get stocked up on all those newborn essentials. From baby clothes to nappy changing must-haves, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out just how much stuff one tiny person needs (and costs!)

A list is key for significant moments like these, which is why we’ve come up with the ultimate checklist for all your newborn essentials.  We have gathered all the necessities for you and your newborn so you don't have to worry about the less essential items. In this blog, we'll cover it all.

The Benefits Of Using A Moses Basket

Even though it may not always feel like it, sleep is a huge part of a newborn’s routine.

In fact, newborn babies spend more time asleep than awake for the first few months of their life (if only their parents could be so lucky). Therefore, it seems sense that you would want the new member of your family's sleep space to be as secure and comfortable as possible.

Enter the Moses basket.

A Moses basket is a terrific choice for both babies and parents since it provides a cosy, secure place for them to rest their heads.

Why the Shnuggle Dreami Moses Basket and Stand is still a popular choice for baby's first bed
Even with the rise in popularity of the bedside crib, moses baskets have still continued to be a popular choice of newborn bed for expectant parents.  We share why the Dreami Moses Basket continues to be a popular choice as either baby's only sleep space or their sleep space alongside bedside cribs.

How To Bath A Baby: Your Newborn's First Bath
"When to bath baby" is a question we get asked all the time.  From top and tail bowls, to newborn supports, baby bath tub, bath seats right up to toddler baths. If you want to know all there is to know, read on!

Cognitive and Emotional Benefits of Bath Time

Not only does regular bathing maintain your baby’s hygiene and wellbeing, bath time actually has many cognitive and emotional benefits which will encourage development. All the senses that are engaged during this special time encourage their brain to really focus and pay attention. 

⁣⁠The feel of the water on their skin, watching water pour and drain, playing with bubbles, smelling soothing scents, and most importantly, the time for touch. Experts have also found that baths can de-stress and relax your baby to promote a good night’s sleep.

Toddler Milestone Moments

Milestones are an exciting time for you and your little one, and watching your child learn and develop their skills as they grow from baby to toddler is one of the many highlights of parenthood.

It’s important to remember however, that it isn’t a competition or a race. Our little ones will progress at their own pace, and if they take a little longer to reach a milestone moment than other children their age - that’s perfectly alright.

Baby Milestone Moments

Milestones can be such an exciting time for you and your little one, and watching your baby progress as they grow and develop is one of the best things about being a parent. First smiles, words, and steps are moments many of us remember for the rest of our lives.

It’s important to remember however, that it isn’t a competition or a race. Our little ones will progress at their own pace, and if they take a little longer to reach a milestone moment than other children their age - that’s perfectly alright.

Safely Co-sleeping With The Shnuggle Air Crib

Often as new parents we worry about the safest and most effective options for our little ones - especially when it comes to their sleep. We may ask ourselves, where should they sleep? And how can we get them to sleep through the night? 

As parents, there can be a lot of pressure and judgement around the topic, and our children’s sleeping success can sometimes feel like a reflection of our parenting abilities. Keep reading to find out our top tips on safely co sleeping with the Shnuggle Air Crib.

Parenting Stories: Poonami Edition
A poonami is something that needs to be seen to be believed, as the sheer amount of poo that can escape your little darling can leave you in shock and awe. The handling of a poonami requires a new level of skill, an especially strong stomach, and a good sense of humour, because if you don't laugh - you’ll cry.  This one’s not for the faint hearted!

Tips For Nappy Change & Reducing Your Environmental Impact
There are so many things to keep on top of when you have a new baby, and nappy changing is just one of them. It can be difficult to know how often your baby’s nappy needs changing. Not to mention how to avoid a full blown escape when your baby gets to the wriggling stage! Today, parents are bombarded with choices of what kind of nappy changing products to use and the effects these can have on the environment. With all of this to consider it’s hard to know where to begin. Rest assured, this blog is here to answer all of your questions around nappy changing and help make the right choices for you and your baby.

Safer Sleep Week: Reinforcing Safe Sleep Practices For Babies
The intention of safer sleep week is to raise awareness around sudden infant death syndrome, known as SIDS. Keep reading to find out our top tips on providing a safer sleep environment for your baby.