Drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental death in children in the UK. Young children can drown in less than 2 cm of water meaning that it can happen where you would least expect – sink, toilet bowl, buckets, paddling pools and of course at bath time.
Bath time with baby is a lovely time for you and baby to bond and relax but its also so important to remember these couple of safe bath time habits to include into your routine to ensure your baby and young children stay safe around water.
Here’s our 5 bath time habits to start forming as part of your child’s bath time routine, for a safer bath time.

Check out our short animation
Preparation is Key
Ensure you have everything you need to hand for bath time before you even start filling the bath with water e.g. towel, clean nappy, baby wash, washcloths, vest, clothes/pyjamas etc. This ensures you do not have to leave the room whilst the water is running or once bath time has started.
Use Minimum Water
When preparing the bath, only fill the bath with the minimum water needed. Babies and young children can drown in as little as 2 cm of water! On the Shnuggle Bath there is a handy water line indicator as a suggested maximum fill line, but this is dependant on the size of your baby.
Start With Cold Water
When filling the bath water, run with cold water first and add hot water to get to the ideal temperature. This reduces risks of scalding. Also be sure to check the water temperature. For peace of mind a thermometer can take the worry out of this.
No Distractions
Always give bath time your full attention and ensure your child is always within arm’s reach. Never leave the room even for a second.
Empty Straight Away
Always empty the bath water straight away. Never leave a bath or baby bath filled with water. Its so easy to forget to empty the bath with all the distractions that there can be but it is important to do this straight away to avoid little ones being tempted back to the bath.